
From the Venue Management Window

To go to Venue Management:

  1. Go to Data Items in the left side panel.
  2. Click Venue Management.
  3. You can find this tab in On-Premise Rooms All Cost Centers - All Status, Off-Premise Locations All Cost Centers - All Status, Active On-Premise Rooms By Cost Centers and Active Off-Premise Locations By Cost Centers.


To see the Rules on the Venue Management:

  1. Click on New Entry.

  2. Go to the Rules tab.

  3. On Rules, you can select the rules for Off-Promise Location/ No Conflict Checking, Always Use Customer or Client Address on Delivery Form, Pickup by Customer (Will Call Order), Security List Required for this Venue, Commissionable and Exclusive Venue Contract.

  4. On Web Information, in this section you can Allow this location to be visible on web ordering pages by clicking the Off/On Switch.

  5. On Rules, you can also choose the Default Stop Number for this Venue and Default Route for this Venue.

  6. On Filters, you can select the Area and Master Filter.