Release Notes 22

Release date: 11/16/2024

1. Apply new changes in the "Event Color Definitions" modal window

Updated the "Event Color Definitions" modal window to include the latest functional and design changes.


2. Added functionalities to the "Price Adjustment" tab in Discounting and Price Adjustment

We Enhanced the "Price Adjustment" tab with new features to improve usability and accuracy.

The Discounting and Price Adjustments section can be found in the Financial tab when editing an event.

3. Create new prompt messages for salesperson-specific actions.

We added a prompt message to prevent administrators from deleting a sales person with active events.

4. Reorder options in the administrative task window alphabetically

All options in the administrative task window where organized into alphabetical order for easier navigation.

5. Add PK Column from Appsetting Window in SetUp Client Tool

Introduced the PK column in the Appsetting Window for improved data organization.

6. Linked beverage items with available substitution options in events.

Established a link between beverage items in events and their substitution options to enhance item management.

To set up the beverage substitutions go to:

  1. On the side panel go to Data Items
  2. Go to Beverage Management
  3. Go to Beverage Packages Management
  4. Open the beverage package by clicking on the pencil icon or by double-clicking on the package row .
  5. Click on the Beverage Components tab.
  6. Click on the Add Substitutions button.
  7. Select substitution options.
  8. Click Close
  9. Click Save.