Release Notes 21

Release date: 10/08/2024

1. Clear-In Use the users that are associated with an event for more than 3 hours.

To avoid events being locked, we implemented a functionality to clear users associated with an event for more than 3 hours, enhancing resource management and availability.

2. Mask Password Input Textboxes

We masked the password input textboxes across all necessary components to improve security and user privacy.

3. Handle Priority Through New App Setting

We introduced a new app setting to manage priority during customer creation, providing users with more control over customer management.

To set the priority go to: 

  1. Click on the gear icon on the top right corner.
  2. Go to App Settings
  3. Search for the app setting "DefaultCustomerPriority"
  4. Open the app setting by clicking on the pencil icon or by double-clicking on the app setting row.
  5. Use the toggle to turn the app setting on/off
  6. On the app setting value you can type either: High, Medium or Low.
  7. Click Save

With this app setting you can set a default priority that will show when creating a new customer, this priority can be changed at that time.

4. Enable Customer Web Credentials by Default

We added an app setting to enable customer web credentials by default when creating a new customer, streamlining user account setup.

5.  Refined Conditions for Additional Contact Details Pop-up.

We refined the conditions to show this pop-up need to be refined to avoid showing this pop-up if there is already a Contact Name (First Name) and Dear (Last Name) in the event.

6. Add Validation Message for Cost Center

We implemented a validation message to prompt users to add a cost center when creating a customer, ensuring compliance with business rules.

7. Default Cost Center for New Customers

We also set a default cost center for all new customers, simplifying the customer creation process and enhancing consistency.

8. Refresh Payment Schedule Grid After Transaction

We enabled the Payment Schedule Grid to refresh automatically after completing a transaction, providing real-time updates to users.

9. Load Startup Window Based on User Configuration

Ensured the Startup Window loads based on user configuration in User Information, enhancing personalization of the user experience.

To set the Startup Window go to:

  1. Click on the gear icon on the top right corner.
  2. Go to Users Management.
  3. Open the User Information tab by clicking on the pencil icon or by double-clicking on the user row.
  4. Use the Startup Window dropdown to select the Startup Window.
  5. Click Save.

10. Search Wider Time Period in Event Information Modal

We expanded the search functionality in the Event Information Modal Window to allow users to search a wider period of time in history (over 2 years).

11. Show Selected and Total Records in Grid

Added functionality to update the view of selected records and total records in the grid based on the filters applied, improving user visibility and interaction with data.