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Purchasing & shipping

From the Miscellaneous Item Management Window

To go to Miscellaneous Item Management:

  1. Go to Data Items in the left side panel.
  2. Click Miscellaneous Items.
  3. Click Miscellaneous Item Management (All Items) or Miscellaneous Item Management (Active Items Only).


To see the Purchasing & Shipping on the Miscellaneous information:

  1. Click on New Entry.

  2. Go to the Purchasing & Shipping tab.

  3. On Specifications, you can enter the Primary Vendor, Last Vendor, POS/EDI and Remarks or Notes.

  4. On Delivery & Shipping Overnight Rules, you can enter the "Is this item for Delivery Only" Switch, "Is this item for Shipping Only" switch and the Delivery or Shipping Vendor.

  5. On Purchasing, you can enter the Vendor, Stock Number, Price, Last Price and Preference.

  6. On Purchase History, you can review the Order Qty, Purchase Date, PO ID, Require Date, Vendor, Stock Number, Purchase Unit, Unit Cost and PO Cost