Lead/Prospect Reporting

With these reports, you can compile a Prospect Phone List, Prospect Call Back List, or a Prospect Drill down by Priority List. Be sure to speak with your Elecate representative regarding adding additional reports to the Prospect Reporting list.

To see reporting:

  1. Go to Sales & Marketing in the left side panel.
  2. Click on Customer (CRM).
  3. Click Reports in the navigation bar.
  4. Click Leads/Prospect Reporting.

  5. On “Create or Last Edit Date” and “To”, select the dates of the report to view.



  6. Click on Refresh.



  7. Click on the drop-down “Select Reports...” and select the report you want to view. 

  8. Click on the Check boxes to select the report or reports you want to export. 


  9. Click Print to and select how you want to view the report.