From the Payment Schedule module you have different payment features such as:
- Splitting the total payment.
- Scheduling payments.
- Applying payments.
- Processing payments.
- Voiding payments.
- Credit the customer account.
- Viewing the payment history for the event.
You can get to the Payment Schedule tab by following these steps:
- On the side panel go to Sales and Marketing.
- Go to Event Order Management.
- Go to Event Management.
- Open the event tab by clicking on the pencil icon or by double-clicking on the event row.
- Go to the Financial tab.
- Click on Payment Schedule
Now you are here:
To Schedule or Split a Deposit:
- Click on New Deposit Request.
- Set the Due Date.
- Using the toggle select if you want to lock this payment.
- Select the Cost Center.
- You can choose either a specific amount or a percentage from the total.
- Click Save.
To Apply a Payment:
- Click on Apply Payment.
- Select the Due Date.
- Select Payment Type.
- Select Payment Method
- Enter the amount paid.
- Select Cost Center.
- Enter the card information.
- Enter the receipt number.
- Click Save
If there is a card already on file, you can click on Use Customer Credit Card.
To process a credit card:
- Click on Process Credit Card.
- Select the action you want to perform:
- Process New Sale.
- Credit Customer Account.
- Void Charge.
- Pre-Authorization.
- Click on Add/Edit Card Info.
- Enter the card information.
- Click Submit.
- Enter the amount you want to charge.
- Click on Process Charge.
On the example you can see the total charge included a fee, this fee is set at the app settings.
To process an ACH payment:
- Go to Process ACH.
- Click on Add/Edit Card Info.
- Enter the customer ID.
- Select the ID type.
- Select the Cost Center.
- Enter the amount.
- Click on Process Charge.
To Void a payment:
- Select the payment you want to void.
- Click on Void Credit Card.
- Confirm information.
- Click on Process Charge.
To view the payment history for the event:
If there are payments and deposits processed or scheduled, they will show on the Payment Schedule module.