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Payment Schedule

From the Payment Schedule module you have different payment features such as:

  • Splitting the total payment.
  • Scheduling payments.
  • Applying payments.
  • Processing payments.
  • Voiding payments.
  • Credit the customer account.
  • Viewing the payment history for the event.

You can get to the Payment Schedule tab by following these steps:

  1. On the side panel go to Sales and Marketing.
  2. Go to Event Order Management.
  3. Go to Event Management.
  4. Open the event tab by clicking on the pencil icon or by double-clicking on the event row.
  5. Go to the Financial tab.
  6. Click on Payment Schedule

Now you are here:


To Schedule or Split a Deposit:

  1. Click on New Deposit Request.
  2. Set the Due Date.
  3. Using the toggle select if you want to lock this payment.
  4. Select the Cost Center.
  5. You can choose either a specific amount or a percentage from the total.
  6. Click Save.

To Apply a Payment:

  1. Click on Apply Payment.
  2. Select the Due Date.
  3. Select Payment Type.
  4. Select Payment Method
  5. Enter the amount paid.
  6. Select Cost Center.
  7. Enter the card information.
  8. Enter the receipt number.
  9. Click Save

If there is a card already on file, you can click on Use Customer Credit Card.

To process a credit card:

  1. Click on Process Credit Card.
  2. Select the action you want to perform:
    1. Process New Sale.
    2. Credit Customer Account.
    3. Void Charge.
    4. Pre-Authorization.
  3. Click on Add/Edit Card Info.
  4. Enter the card information.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Enter the amount you want to charge.
  7. Click on Process Charge.

On the example you can see the total charge included a fee, this fee is set at the app settings.

To process an ACH payment:

  1. Go to Process ACH.
  2. Click on Add/Edit Card Info.
  3. Enter the customer ID.
  4. Select the ID type.
  5. Select the Cost Center.
  6. Enter the amount.
  7. Click on Process Charge.

To Void a payment:

  1. Select the payment you want to void.
  2. Click on Void Credit Card.
  3. Confirm information.
  4. Click on Process Charge.

To view the payment history for the event:

If there are payments and deposits processed or scheduled, they will show on the Payment Schedule module.