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Generate a Missing Items Invoice
Select the event or events, and then click the [Generate Invoice] button.
By clicking that button, a few things will happen:
A missing items invoice will be generated.
The generated invoice will be available on the Missing Items Invoices Only tab.
An event order will be created, copying all event and customer information.
All the missing equipment will be converted into Miscellaneous items, moving it from the department “Equipment” to the department “Miscellaneous.”
Now that the new event order is created, you can either send the missing items invoice right away or you can go into the copied event and add additional items you’d like to bill the client for, that were not on the original order (maybe things that were added last-minute).
Items never made it back? Go ahead and send the Missing Items Invoice to the client.
Did the items find their way back into your warehouse? Follow the Returns instructions below.