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How to set up Web Group Coding Structure?

To create or edit the following feature, you have to follow these steps:

  • Click on Data items.
  • Miscellaneous Items
  • Miscellaneous Group Manager
  • New Entry.
  • Click on "Web Setup" tab.

The web groups are a method of categorizing equipment for your web interface. These web groups allow you to override the existing groups within Synergy for use on the web.

If you want to use the same tier groups on the web as your regular groups, re-enter the Group Code as the Web Code and the same Description from the Group Code name to the Web Group Code Name.

Web Groups are links to the data items and web interface. Be sure you do not delete or rename valid web groups that are attached to data items. This will cause the data item to be moved to the group you have reassigned or for the item to be completely removed from the tier structure of your web. If you reassign a web group it may be difficult to find the group and its associated item in your web structure. The reassigning can be traced by looking at each of the levels within your web code.

See the instructions below for how to complete the Web Setup tab.

To begin, determine if you are using the same coding structure for Web as you used for Desktop. For our example, it will be the same (1VCD).

The code is the unique identifier that you will give this group.

For our example, we are using the group code 1VCD for POWER DISTRUBUTION.

Before you can type in the web group code, you have to click the check box so the group is “Web Enabled.”

Once you check the box, the Web Code field will become unlocked.

Remember the group tier system used on the Equipment Group list:

Type in:

“1” (for the main parent group 1 – POWER & LIGHTING)

“V” (for POWER & LIGHT, the subgroup of 1 – POWER & LIGHTING)

“C” (for POWER, the subgroup of subgroup POWER & LIGHTING)

…and then “D” (for POWER DISTRIBUTION, the subgroup of subgroup POWER).

The Web Code field should read: 1VCD.

Next you must name the according to the Code that you are setting up. For our example, we will be using the same group web name code as the desktop group code, so we will type in “POWER DISTRIBUTION.”

In the Web Description field, you can type in a description that clients and salespeople will easily be able to identify. For our example, we will use “Power Cables.”

The next section of the window handles the Web Sequence, Web Price, and Picture Path.

The Web Sequence is the order in which it will show up on the list.

You can also set a price for the entire group, if all the items in that group are rented for the same amount.

When you are adding a new group to the list, you will be able to click on the checkbox next to Display on Website Catalog Pages.

A message window may pop up, letting you know that a tax table hasn’t been set up for this Revenue Code yet.

Complete the tax table. For more information about the tax table setup, see General Setup – Business Units – Cost Center Revenue Codes tab:

You can add a new revenue code for PWR (POWER).