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Miscellaneous Item & Price

From the Miscellaneous Item Management Window

To go to Miscellaneous Item Management:

  1. Go to Data Items in the left side panel.
  2. Click Miscellaneous Items.
  3. Click Miscellaneous Item Management (All Items) or Miscellaneous Item Management (Active Items Only).


To see the Miscellaneous Item & Price on the Miscellaneous information:

  1. Click on New Entry.

  2. Go to the Miscellaneous Item & Price tab.

  3. On Name, Groups & Display Rules, you can enter the Name (click on the pencil icon for edit), Group, Master Filter, Web Enabled switch, Sell Item switch and the Do not Reprice switch.

  4. On Packing & Purchase Information, you can enter the Packing or Storage unit, Procurement Unit, Unit of Measure, Items Per Packing Unit, Items Per Procurement Unit and the Conversation Ratio.

  5. On Cost Breakdown, you can include a Procurement Unit Cost, Unit of Measure Cost, Selling Price, Highest Cost, Lowest Cost, As of (dates).