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Manage Tax Table

Within this section, users can generate and modify charts that visually represent the tax obligations corresponding to the income they have earned. 

To Add a New Record: 

  1. Go to the settings on the Gear Icon at the top right corner of the screen.

  2. Click on Financial Setup.

  3. Click on Create and Edit Tax Table Entries.

  4. In this window you can Edit and Create Tax Tables 
    1. To review an existing entry, simply go to the Action column and click on the pencil icon/button. 
      A pop-up window will appear, once you finish editing click on Save

    2. To create a new entry, simply click on the New Entry button. A pop-up window will then appear where you can input the necessary information. Once you have completed the details, click on the Save button to finalize the new entry. 

Disclaimer: Please note that you are responsible for entering your tax table information. As the Elecate Support Team are not authorized to modify the values in the tax tables.