Once an event is completed and locked, salespeople can no longer make changes. But say there was a last-minute change but the event is still locked. At this point, the event status should be “Pre-Bill.”
On the home screen, click on the [Accounting Button].
Select an event to edit.
The three buttons at the bottom, Event Billing, Adjust Price, and On-The-Fly Entry will become active. You must choose at least one of these buttons to make the invoice changes.
Event Billing
Confirm the customer billing information and the Accounting Export #. Add Billing Notes if applicable.
Adjust Price
With this button, you can Apply a Discount, if not completed in the event already, or if there needs to be an additional discount applied.
Skip over to Accounting Adjustment
Accounting Adjustment
Post-event invoice changes
Enter the new amount for the invoice and you MUST type in a description.
Then click [Ok].
On-The-Fly Entry
Add any items salesperson purchased items last-minute for the event.
Enter the item name, description, revenue code, vendor, and quantity. Optional fields are location, sequence, and the notes fields.
To see reporting:
- Go to Finance & Accounting in the left side panel.
- Click on Accounting Tools.
- Click Accounting Invoice Pre-Bill Window.
- On "Select Event Status", add the status of the event you want to get the report of.
- On “Dates From” and “To”, select the dates of the report to view.
Click on Refresh.
- Click on the drop-down “Select Reports...” and select the report you want to view.
Click on the Check boxes to select the report or reports you want to export.
- Click Print to and select how you want to view the report.