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From the Staff Person Management

To go to Staff Person Management:

  1. Go to Data Items in the left side panel.
  2. Click HR Management.
  3. Click HR Management (All Staff) or HR Management (Active Only).


To see the HR on the Staff Person Management:

  1. Click on New Entry.

  2. Go to the HR tab.

  3. On HR File, fill out the information from the staff, like I-9, U.S. Citizen, Unknown, SSN# View SSN, Primary Dept click on the drop down menu.

  4. On Paperwork, you can enter Pay forms On-File, Alien Residence, On Salary Employee, Part Time Employee, GL Account and Payroll ID #.

  5. On Hire and Review, you can include Hire Date [Click on the calendar button], Review Period, Last Reviewed [Click on the calendar button] and Payment Terms.

  6. On Work History, you can include Last Event, Qty of Events Worked and Total Hours Worked.

  7. On Payment Rules, Referral & Bonus, you can include Employee Payment Type Referral Name, Referral Rate, if the staff is Eligible for Bonus and Bonus Percent.