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How do I Process a Credit Card?

To add a Credit Card or process a payment, you should start with the Customer Sales & Marketing Window: 

Option 1: From the Customer Window(s): 

  1. Go to Sales & Marketing > Customer CRM > Customer Sales & Marketing > Customer Sales & Marketing Management
  2. Select the customer you want to add/edit the credit card to.
  3. Click on the Pencil Icon
  4. On the Billing tab, go to payment information

    (These fields are Read-Only and will be populated from the Add/Edit Card Info button results.)

  5. Click on “Add/Edit Card Info”. The window below will appear if you are using OpenEdge/Global Payments (our most common provider).
  6. Enter the information into the secure window and click “Submit”. You will see a response window with a “Success” or “Failure” response.
  7. Upon completion, close the response window. You will see the information populated into the “Review Credit Card” section along with the “IsToken” box checked, if its not checked there is likely a problem with the authorization

Now you have set up this customer for future uses. In fact, you have the option to Sync the credit card to Events. 

Or we can enter the same information from the Event Window 

  1. On the side panel, click Sales and Marketing
  2. Access to Event & Order Management 
  3. Click on one of the Event Management options to select the event or use the Quick Event Lookup and enter the event ID number.
  4. Once you have selected the desired event, click on the "Billing" tab click on the Payment Information section 

Repeat the above steps if necessary or use “Sync From Customer” pull the information into the event.

Option 2: From the Event Management Window: 

  1. Again, after you have selected your event, click on the “Financial” tab.
  2. Select the Payment Schedule panel
  3. From this you have two choices:
    1. If you select the Process Credit Card button, the Balance Due will be selected by default.
    2. If you select a row in the Deposit or Payment Schedule you can adjust the amount to your desired request.
  4. In either case, this window will appear where you can:
    1. Repeat the initial steps to generate the Token
    2. Or use the selected credit card for processing.