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Group Coding Structure (Desktop Setup Tab)

To open the Group Information window, find the group in the list and click once to open it.

If you are adding a new group, click the green [+New] button on the bottom right of the screen.

All the group codes will be entered in these fields found in the top right corner of the recipe group screen.

Give each group a unique code. It can be up to four (4) characters long – determining the tier levels that you will build.

Let’s use an example of a Recipe Group – Dessert – that needs to be broken down into two (2) levels.

The specific dessert is a cold dessert.

Level 1 – You want your first level to be the general category of “Dessert.” Select a single number or letter code for the “Parent”

Level 1 – Let’s use “D” for the “Dessert” parent group


Level 2 – Now you would like it to be further delineated in the dessert group by “cold dessert” to make it easier for your client to find what it is they would like to order. This would be the second level. Start your code with the parent level 1 of “D” and add a second level unique code letter or number for this level. Let’s use the letter “C” for “cold dessert” – so the group code for Dessert – Cold at this level would be “DC.” Any item assigned to the group of “DC” will now appear in the category under “Dessert – Cold.”

Now the structure that will result will be a Parent group of Dessert and a second level sub category of Dessert – Cold. A third level could be added if desired. Use the same procedure as adding a second level by including a third letter or number to the end of your code string.

For example: -D (Dessert)

                                -DC (Dessert - Cold)

                                                -DCF (Dessert – Cold – Frozen)

Next you must name the group according to the Code that you are setting up.

If you were establishing the Parent Group of “Dessert” and stopping as in level one, you would add the name of the group in the “Recipe Group” field.

Likewise, if the group is at level two – Dessert – Cold – you would enter the heading for that sub-category appropriately. Such as:

This coding system works the same for all of the group management windows (Recipe Groups, Ingredient Groups, Equipment Groups, Miscellaneous Groups, Beverage Groups, and Menu Groups)