
From the Event Information Window

To go to Event Information:

  1. Go to Sales & Marketing in the left side panel.
  2. Click Event & Order Management.
  3. Click Create New Event Orders.


To see the Financial on the Event Information:

  1. Go to the Financial tab.

  2. On Revenue Details, in this section you can find all client's financial information, as well the budget and the event terms.

    You can add the budget to ensure the proper control of the event's finances.

  3. On Payment Schedule, in this section is use for keeping track of the deposits or down payments made by the client.
    1. To add a new deposit click on the New Deposit Request and complete the information when finish hit Save. 
    2. Apply Payment.
    3. In case the payment is made through a credit card, click in the button named Process Credit Card a window should appear for you to fill out the credit card's information.

  4. Revenue Code Breakdown. 

  5. On Discounting & Price Adjustments, in this section you can apply Discount or Price Adjustment, Adjust Commission and also analyze the event's gross profit