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From the Venue Management Window

To go to Venue Management:

  1. Go to Data Items in the left side panel.
  2. Click Venue Management.
  3. You can find the Features tab on On-Premise Rooms All Cost Centers - All Status, Off-Premise Locations All Cost Centers - All Status, Active On-Premise Rooms By Cost Centers and Active Off-Premise Locations By Cost Centers.


To see the Features on the Venue Management:

  1. Click on New Entry.

  2. Go to the Features tab.

  3. On Dimensions, you can enter the Length, Width, Height and Total Square Footage.

  4. On Location Notes, in this section you can write all the Notes regarding the venue.

  5. On Restriction, you can write the Venue's restriction (e.g, No pets).

  6. On Load-In Notes, you can write load instructions.