In this tab, you can view the export information. First, select the export type that you would like to search. Then select the date range and click the [Get Data] button.
In the bottom of the window, you can export the data [Export Data].
In this tool, you can view all return and missing item information.
Returns Tab
First select the date range and click the [Refresh] button.
The first step to logging is to adjust the number of returned items. To do this, double-click on an event.
This will open the list of items from the event.
Click to select an item for which you would like to adjust the number returned, and then click the
[Adjust Missing Items] button.
Enter the Damaged Count, if any, and Actual Pick-Up/Return Count. After each addition, press the tab key to advance to the next field and you will see the Total Replacement Charge update.
If there are none missing, enter the returned quantity in the Actual Pick-Up/Return Count.
When you are finished entering your quantities and Comments, click [Save Adjustment].
To move to the next item in the list, use the [Next] button.
If you do enter an amount different than the quantity delivered, you will get this message box upon saving the adjustment:
You will see the adjustment on the Equipment Returns Management window:
When you have finished adjusting the missing quantities for all the items from that event, click [Close] at the bottom right of the window.
Then, select the report that you’d like to export or print to. **NOTE: You cannot print a correct Supplemental or Missing Items Invoice from the Returns tab. You need to generate it first using the [Generate Invoice] button and then print it from the Missing Items Invoices Only tab.
Under the grid, you can Process Selected Items by clicking [Print] or [Email].
Below that row is the option to update the event status. Choose from the drop edown menu and click [Update Selected Status].
To generate a Missing Items Invoice, select Missing Items Notice or Missing Items Invoice, follow the instructions below.