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Event Files
The list of event files is updated when you email or print a report, or if you add an external file to the event. These types of files include floor plans, customer checklists, etc.
To make this feature automatic (i.e. save a new “version” of the quote, contract, invoice, etc.), you will need to change an Application Settings. To do this, go to the Windows icon in the top left of Elecate and click on App Settings:
Locate the App Setting “Report Server Configuration.” Double-click to open and edit it.
Change the App Setting Value to “True.”
Click [Save].
Now, when you go to print a report in an order, your print options will default to “PDF” and the checkbox at the bottom of the message box will be checked:
Click [Process Report] and your new version will appear in the Event Files log in your event order.
To add a new file, click [Add File], navigate to it in your local directory, and double-click on it to add it to the event files.
If you need to delete a file, click once to select it in the list and then click [Delete File].