Here, you can email an event survey to certain clients regarding a number of event-related issues. Email templates are already defaulted into the Elecate system in relation to the issues below:
- Account Charged
- Credit Card Charged
- Credit Card Declined
- Customer Pending
- Customer Statement
- Manual Send Invoice
- New Employee Password
- New Staff
- Order Confirmation
- Order Pending Credit Card
- Prospect
- Resend Invoice
- Send Invoice
- Send Missing Items
- Staff Available
- Staff Not Available
- Staff Pending
- Select a date range using the calendar icon next to the date and click [Refresh].
Select the email you wish to send for the items you will select in the next step.
Then sort, filter, or search for the items that you wish to generate the survey.
Should you need to edit an email address, click on the [Edit] button in the line entry.
Enter the new email address in the New Email Address field and click [Save].
Back at the Event Survey grid, click on the checkbox at the top left to select all.
Finally, click the [Email Selected] button at the bottom right of the window.
Elecate will send the emails and give you a message:
When you are finished, click [Close].