These are the options that will show up in a drop down menu in Customer Marketing Info and be carried through the entire system whenever the Customer is used.
Each client can be assigned a general customer type. You can customize your customer types according to the type of service they provide. You must define each Customer Type as taxable or exempt.
To add a customer sales and marketing information:
- Go to Sales & Marketing on the left side panel.
- Click Customer (CRM).
- Click Customer Marketing.
- Click on Customer Sales and Marketing Management.
- Click New Entry.
- Fill out the organization information.
- Click on Save.
To edit a customer sales and marketing information:
- Go to Sales & Marketing on the left side panel.
- Click Customer (CRM).
- Click Customer Marketing.
- Click on Customer Sales and Marketing Management.
- Click the pencil icon on the Action column.
- Edit the desired information, once finished click on Save.
To see the Cost Centers tab:
- Click on New Entry.
- Go to Cost Centers & Venues tab.
- There are two columns the Available Cost Centers and the Select Cost Centers, to assign a cost center to a customer click on the arrow button it should appear in the Select Cost Centers column.