Customer Marketing Management

These are the options that will show up in a drop down menu in Customer Marketing Info and be carried through the entire system whenever the Customer is used.

Each client can be assigned a general customer type. You can customize your customer types according to the type of service they provide. You must define each Customer Type as taxable or exempt.

To add a customer sales and marketing information:

  1. Go to Sales & Marketing on the left side panel.
  2. Click Customer (CRM).
  3. Click Customer Marketing.
  4. Click on Customer Sales and Marketing Management.

  5. Click New Entry.

  6. Fill out the organization information.

  7. Click on Save.


To edit a customer sales and marketing information:

  1. Go to Sales & Marketing on the left side panel.
  2. Click Customer (CRM).
  3. Click Customer Marketing.
  4. Click on Customer Sales and Marketing Management.

  5. Click the pencil icon on the Action column.

  6. Edit the desired information, once finished click on Save


To see the Cost Centers tab:

  1. Click on New Entry.

  2. Go to Cost Centers & Venues tab.

  3. There are two columns the Available Cost Centers and the Select Cost Centers, to assign a cost center to a customer click on the arrow button it should appear in the Select Cost Centers column.